S:t Clemens Historical Perfecto – a unique cigar
How delightful that you enjoy smoking the S:t Clemens Historical Perfecto! It’s a unique cigar with an exciting history that we hope will enhance your experience even further.
In the 1850s, Mrs. Eleonora Elisabeth Odin sold cigars under the name S:t Clemens in Visby on the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. They were rolled in a building right next to the S:t Clemens ruin – where Hotel S:t Clemens stands today. Both Tektor Cigars and Hotel S:t Clemens are curious about and proud of Gotland’s history. We heard about Mrs. Odin and embarked on a joint journey to discover the origin of these Gotland cigars. Through this collaboration – with valuable assistance from the County Archive – we have successfully brought the S:t Clemens cigar back to life.
Locally grown with historical origins
The tobacco in the cigars is now grown in Bro, Gotland, and rolled in Stenkumla by Tektor’s cigar maker, Joakim Widell, and his mother. The cigar is shaped using a cigar press over 100 years old that we discovered during our research. It was used in a cigar factory in Stånga, Gotland, in the late 1800s and still works perfectly today!
The cigar you are holding in your hand has derived both its name and shape from the 19th century and Gotland. This gives it a completely unique connection to history. Tektor Cigars is also the only one in Europe to manufacture cigars using locally grown tobacco. Everyone else imports their tobacco, but the S:t Clemens Historical Perfecto is a 100% Gotland product, from seed to finished cigar.